The body, brain and behavior connection


The Power of Brain, Body, Behaviour
Sometimes it all feels negative when we are in the middle of a perfect storm:
- That sudden surge in heart rate and heat levels when you’re given unwanted feedback.
- The brilliant solution that comes to mind ten minutes after you needed it and the pressure is off.
- The decision paralysis from too much information coming from too many places.

Does any of this sound familiar?
We’ve all experienced a B3 connection™ where Brain, Body and Behaviour come together to create the perfect storm. What many people fail to realise that these connections can be controlled.  When Brain, Body and Behaviour are aligned we begin to create perfect solutions:
- The task that suddenly becomes clear allowing us to complete it within minutes after struggling for days.
- A mental “Aha!” moment creates a physical need to act immediately.
- That clear answer that appears when we are in the shower or out for a walk.

A Systems Thinking Approach
Even slight changes in one aspect of our Brain, Body or Behaviour will generate connections – welcome or otherwise – in the others. B3 Potential takes a systems-thinking approach to help you decide which course to set and give you confidence to move in the direction you want.

Harnessing the latest research in neuroscience, biology, mindfulness, psychology, and workplace theory, we uncover the B3 ™ connections that any individual needs to master in order to attain their goals. We help you understand the patterns common to all of us whilst identifying what is unique to you so you can answer questions like these:
- Why won’t my team do what I need them to?
- How much quality thinking time can my brain really cope with each day?
- How can I reset myself when I need to?
- How do I create a psychologically safe environment that delivers results
- Where can I find energy when I’m already worn out?

Focusing on acquiring professional skills makes good business sense but people who understand how to utilise the B3 connection™ also arm themselves with the human tools needed to excel. It’s the critical difference in the modern workplace.


Start humanizing the working world


The B3 Philosophy

B3 Potential evolved from a recognition that there are three things we all share that can either hold us back or move us forwards - our Brain, our Body and our Behaviour. It’s our belief that these three things are within our control, regardless of the circumstances we find ourselves in.

The B3 team offers practical, research-proven ways to strengthen the combined effect of your own Brain, Body and Behaviour, to release your B3 Potential.


About me

Kate Reid


Kate has always had an interest in helping people tell their own stories.

Her first career was in broadcast journalism including senior roles at the BBC and Sky.  Interviewing great leaders, as well as becoming a leader herself, sparked a fascination with the skills and traits needed to excel.

Kate has since developed expertise in leadership consulting, executive and team coaching, facilitation and the design and delivery of workshops. She’s worked across the world with clients in industry, government and the not-for –profit sector.

 Kate’s a research nerd. She’s particularly interested in putting cutting edge theory into practice.  Years in journalism means she continues to question what’s below the surface. That approach has resulted in an MBA and a Post Graduate Diploma in the Neuroscience of Leadership. 

A long term meditator herself, Kate’s formalised her teaching by completing her Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy training with Oxford University. She currently is Chair of the Advisory Board to the Mindful Workplace Community.

Services we deliver


leadership and development



Not only good for the workplace but outside of it too. Good interaction between the facilitator and the group.
- on mindfulness

You asked us just the right questions and gave a healthy pause for us to come up with honest answers. You are indeed a gem.
- on coaching

Well paced, concise and insightful. Learned a lot and your facilitation style was warm and welcoming.
- on training
